Skin is the largest body organ and it will be the “first to show” the signs of aging. The prejudices against aging are called ageism and can present you from getting the job, promotion, partner, or life you deserve. Hence skin rejuvenating treatment options are very popular in Asia and especially in Malaysia. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU facelift is the relatively new and revolutionizing procedure for facelift and skin tightening. It is a promising alternative for a surgical facelift with minimal risks and downtime involved.
However, it is important to understand the procedure before opting for it. Gather as much information as you can and ask your doctor as many questions as you can. This will help you make a better decision and manage your expectations correctly. This article will answer some frequently asked questions about HIFU facelift so you can educate yourself on the topic and make informed decisions.
How does HIFU facelift work?
Ultrasound waves are able to penetrate under the skin layers and precisely focus on the targeted area. It heats up the tissues and stimulates collagen production. Since collagen is the most important structural protein it plays an important role in the rejuvenation of the skin. It helps in refining wrinkles and defining facial features by contouring the face, lifting up brows, and giving more pronounced cheekbones and chiseled jawlines. Collagen helps give a tighter, firm skin.
Is HIFU Facelift safe?
HIFU is the most popular and effective non-invasive facelift option available for rejuvenating sagging and wrinkled skin. HIFU was initially used as a non-surgical option to treat tumors, and it was not until 2008 that i was first used for cosmetic treatments. In 2009 FDA approved HIFU for cosmetic brow lift and later in 2014, it was approved by FDA for fine lines and wrinkles of the upper chest and neckline. Since then it has been safely used for a facelift as an alternative for surgical facelift for patients with mild to moderate laxity. Since the ultrasound rays are highly focused there is no damage to the upper skin layers or adjacent tissues. The best part about this procedure is that you can have it done within a one-hour lunch break and immediately return back to your normal life.
What about the pain factor?
You might experience mild tingling or discomfort during the procedure, however, upon request, your doctor can give you an oral painkiller prior to treatment. After the procedure is done you may experience redness, inflammation, or mild irritation on the areas treated but that will go away within a few hours.
How long-lasting are the results?
HIFU is a promising procedure but it will not give you the drastic immediate results of surgical facelift. It can take up to three months for the complete results to roll in and the results will last for six months or more. Depending upon the area being treated the results can last from 6months to a year. You will need to have the procedure done after that time period. Although asurgical facelift will last you 7 to 8 years, it will also cost you 8 to 10 times more than HIFU facelift. Considering there are little complications or downtime involved HIFU seems a fairly good option for individuals in their mid-thirties to late fifties. You can also help results last even longer with a good skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle.
If this article has provided you beneficial information feel free to share it on social media with your friends and if you still have any questions you can always contact us. Pinnacle Figure clinics are supervised by Dr. Terence Teoh who is a qualified practitioner trained from Singapore and has years of experience on his hands.