High Intensity focused ultrasound facelift is an FDA approved procedure for anti-aging. HIFU Facelift can be used to lift the skin and promote collagen production. Aesthetic doctors use the HIFU facelift procedure to target deep tissue layers. A device is used for the treatment to focus energy at the most required area. In this treatment, noninvasive ultrasound energy is used to lift the eyebrow, neck, and area under the chin.
The Effectiveness of HIFU facelift Therapy:
Aesthetic doctors treat people with ultrasound skin tightening procedure with the help of a device. The device reaches 5mm deep under the skin, penetrating into the second layer of muscles underneath the facial muscles. When the ultrasound heat waves go deeper into the skin, it leads to the skin making new collagen.
Stimulates Collagen Production:
HIFU facelift treatment targets the facial areas to be treated. It delivers the heat energy to the deepest layers stimulating collagen production. The high intensity focused ultrasound facelift treatment produces new collagen, improves sagging skin and lifts neck skin to give a younger and tighter look.
HIFU facelift treatment uses ultrasound technology to tighten and lift the skin by stimulating collagen production. It takes 30 minutes to complete the procedure. The results last for several months.
It is a noninvasive treatment in which there is no cutting, no stitches and no downtime. It is a good alternative for those who want to get the facelift without surgery. After the treatment, the patient can resume their normal activities. The treatment results appear within a month after the treatment. Some patients require only one session while some people need several sessions to achieve the desired goal depending on their skin sensitivity and skin condition.
Treatment Procedure:
The doctor places a smooth ultrasound applicator to the face and looks the tissue below to tighten the skin. The heat energy delivered in the treatment stimulates the growth of new collagen and leads to the tightening of the skin.
Suitable Candidates of HIFU Facelift:
People with mild to moderate facial and neck skin laxity are good candidates for HIFU facelift treatment. Even younger people can use the procedure to stay young. Anyone who is facing mild to moderate sagging can be the best candidate of HIFU facelift. If you are over 60 or you have more sagging skin, then this treatment can improve your facial appearance but it is not going to give you back the youthful appearance you had at the age of 20 or 30.
Some people might experience some minor side effects that include slight pain, bruising or temporary numbness. The Aesthetic doctor examines their patients’ skin to choose the best treatment. Various treatments are available for skin tightening. Discuss with your doctor the skin problems in detail to get safe and effective results.