Before becoming mothers these ladies were lovers and wives who passionately loved another person and liked to be physically intimate with their partner. That’s how they became mothers, to begin with, but life likes to play irony and giving birth takes away your sexual life. Studies have shown that new mothers experience a significant decline in sexual activity. This could be due to stress of raising a child, busy schedule, low libido or health problems and sexual dysfunctions that are common after giving birth.
Of course, love is not all about sex, but sex is still an important part of a happy and healthy marriage full of love. If a woman is not getting the satisfaction and joy out of the physical intimacy it can be frustrating and distressing for both her and her partner. Some woman might even experience pain during intercourse, there is a medical term for it but there is hardly any medical solution.
Only recently a ground-breaking discovery has brought our attention to a state of the art technology that can help women enjoy a better sexual life. O-Shots are revolutionary introduction in the history of gynaecology to improve their sexual life. Since it is a novel solution to a very old and huge problem, it’s natural for women to sort after it.
Women anatomy and Sexual dysfunctions
Women’s already have a complex biological system with hormonal roller coaster making emotions, moods and desires complicated. It doesn’t feel fair that men get all the medical attention for their sexual problems while women only get judgments, lubricants and psychological help. Why the medical industry is not stepping up to help women have a better, healthier sexual life? Especially after bearing children when their genitals undergo bizarre changes, and hormones take another hit, they do need some help reaching back to the active sexual life they once enjoyed. For most mothers having low sexual drive and sex that feels somewhere from non-sensual to pain due to lack of lubrication or low sensitivity, having sex feels like a chore. Complaints of women regarding sexual dysfunctions often go unresolved for years because until now there was no medical procedure to help them with.
What is O-SHOT?
Orgasm Shots or O-shots are a revolutionary procedure to rejuvenate the vagina with the help of healing agents from her own blood. It helps achieve more orgasms and better orgasms evidently improving your experience and your sexual desire. The procedure is patent and registered under the law and only trained and licensed doctors and nurses can administer it. Wrongly administered it can lead to complications. The method uses PRP technology to improve sexual experiences through enhanced sensitivity, lubrication and increased cellular growth turnover.
What is PRP?
Our blood has healing components called Platelets, also referred to as growth factor in blood sometimes. Platelets are programmed to reach the site of injury and initiate the process of healing by stimulating the stem cells for the production of new cells. PRP procedure involves drawing blood from the arm of the patient and then using centrifugal machine extracting platelets from this blood. This plasma with higher than normal concentration of PRP has only proven to be helpful in healing sports injury, recovering from surgery and even healing fractures. It has also shown promising results for less serious problems like skin rejuvenation and hair growth.
Is it safe?
Since the main ingredient of the injection is platelet-derived from patient’s own body there is near to zero chance of any adverse reaction from the body. Only potential complication that can occur is due to the needle involved which injects the platelets in the very specific and precise spots in your private area. If administered by an untrained professional it can cause hematoma or even nerve damage. As long as a qualified and certified is administring the procedure it is completely safe and experts have not witnessed any complications or side-effects yet.
How it can help mothers?
Since during vaginal birth, many mothers experience tearing of tissues it greatly alters their sexual experience. Many suffer decreased lubrication which also leads to infections and painful penetrations. The shift in hormones also causes a decreased libido, while mothers who chose to go with a hormonal contraceptive to avoid any unplanned pregnancies may also experience decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and other side effects. O-shots can help women recover from vaginal damage so the can enjoy sex once again.