The P-shot was first used by Dr Charles Runnels for men. He also invented the Vampire facelift and the O-shot for female sexual rejuvenation. The P-shot is a non-surgical sexual rejuvenation and enhancement procedure which uses the natural growth factors of your own platelets from your body. The P-shot will results in new tissue growths, improve neural connectivity and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) thereby improving erection, sexual function and even 10 to 20% increase in size of the penis.
Here are the 10 things you will need to know about the Priapus Shot (P-Shot)
- The P- shot uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Your own blood is drawn and platelet-rich plasma is processed to be used. PRP contains growth factors which help in healing.
- What will it do for you? It will improve the blood flow, repair the tissues, improve neural connectivity thereby enhances sexual function, libido, erection and stamina.
- The procedure is not painful after administering numbing cream and local anaesthesia.
- It will improve the girth and length of the penis by 10 to 20%. This can be enhanced by using hyaluronic fillers together with the procedure.
- The actual procedure itself is only 10 min.