Sexual problems are often difficult to talk about and men often find it embarrassing to talk about them. However, it must be understood that these are health issues like any other health problem and need medical attention. They can be treated and resolved through medical interventions. Due to advancement in medical science and biotechnology, there are less invassive treatment options available which take less time and deliver better and quicker results.
Erectile Dysfunction
The inability to achieve an erection can be an occasional occurrence for young adults. This could happen due to stress, fatigue, intoxication and other factors. This problem is temporary and is of no serious effect however this problem can become frequent and more distressing as you age or lose muscular strength due to factors like chain-smoking, alcohol addiction and any health problems or injuries. Sometimes health issues like prostate cancer, an enlarged prostate, post-surgical effects, and diabetes can cause low sex drive and inability to achieve and maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction is a medical diagnosis for this health problem.
It can also cause other sexual problems like pre-ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, which can be frustrating for both you and your partner. It can impair your confidence, damage your sexual and married life and cause a significant amount of stress and frustration. It is important to seek medical advice from a licensed practitioner. In some cases treating the underlying cause can help resolve the erectile dysfunction, but if medical intervention is necessary, a doctor can guide you.
PRP Injections
Platelet-rich plasma therapy was long being used to heal athletic injuries varying from muscular issues to skin tear. This treatment method included taking blood out of the patient’s body and separating the injury healing agents called platelets from the blood. This plasma was then injected to the site of injury to accelerate the healing process through cellular regeneration which healed and strengthened the torn muscles.
This mode of treatment was later adopted for skin rejuvenation and antiaging. Due to the blood being injected back into the face the treatment was named as vampire facials. Clinical trials revealed that this treatment can also help resolve the sexual problems in both men and women which led to the birth of O-shots and P-Shots. O-shots help women enhance their sexual experiences through increased sensitivity, better lubrication and stronger orgasms. Similarly, P-shot also helps men achieve erections that are stronger and last longer, it delays ejaculations and offers more pleasure for men and their sexual partners.
Priapus Shots or P-Shots
Priapus shot work by increasing the blood flow and circulation and strengthening the penal muscles causing stronger, longer and firmer erections. Clinical trials have shown that they enhance the grith and increases the sex drive. It has shown significant improvement in individuals suffering from erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems like pre-ejaculation. It is definitely a treatment option to consider if pills like viagra are not delivering the desired results.
It is a simple mildly invassive procedure which is administered after applying local anaesthesia or numbing creme. It can be done in clinical seconds and will take a total of half-hour to one hour. The procedure has no aftercare or downtime and you can go back to your normal life immediately. The effect of P-shot last for one year, and it is completely safe and does not cause any medical complications. Since a needle will be injected in a very sensitive and significant part of your body, a wrongly administered injection can cause nerve damage hence only trained and certified practitioners are legally permitted to practice. Dr Teoh is the only certified practitioner in Malaysia who is authorized to do the procedure. Please feel free to book an appointment for a consultation.