What is PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) PRP?
The PRP is skin rejuvenation techniques that extract the growth factors and healing powers from your own blood and inject it back into your skin. Plasma is part of your blood left behind when you take out red blood cells and WBCs. Plasma is rich in cell regeneration and growth-inducing components. One of the important components of od plasma is platelets. Platelets work at injury sites by clumping to form bridges that prevent bleeding. They also stimulate the production of new skin cells and collagen; a structural protein our body makes, which plays several roles in our body including regenerating tissues. This property enables collagen to leave your skin firmer and more elastic, practically reversing signs of aging. This is the reason PRP has wide-ranged benefits from anti-aging to, fixing acne scars and hyperpigmentation. It is also known to give your skin a glowing effect and improved skin tone.
A therapist or doctor will draw blood from you and spin it real fast in a machine to extract the plasma. The plasma is further spun to attain plasma with higher levels of platelets which are the growth stimulators that help regeneration of skin cells and collagen.
The Plasma is delivered into your skin using mesotherapy or microneedling.
Mesotherapy is a technique in which a number of tiny injections deliver the required injectable (serum, plasma, multivitamins, and minerals, etc) in the second layer of your skin called mesoderm (hence the name). This enables the very targeted delivery of plasma in precise amounts. Mesotherapy can be done by the freehand method in which your doctor will inject the tiny injections manually, or by using a meso-gun which is in the electrical device to deliver tiny injections and gives better control.
On the other hand, microneedling exerts several tiny punctures into your skin to stimulate the natural healing process which results in the production of collagen-rich tissues. When microneedling is followed by PRP, your therapist will first perform microneedling on your entire face in sections and then apply the extracted plasma on your face. It helps skin deep absorption of platelets and other plasma components. It results in dual action of collagen inducing micro-needling and platelet-rich-plasma(PRP).
How PRP works
Human skin is the largest part of our body and it acts as a barrier against the external environment, protecting internal delicate organs from pollutants, toxins and infection-causing germs. However, in fighting all these harmful elements, skin cells get damaged. The dead skin cells constantly shed themselves off and are replaced by new cells. As we age this process can slow down and the production of collagen diminishes, resulting in a dull-looking sagging and wrinkled skin. This mildly intrusive treatment works by injecting the part of your blood which has healing powers deep into your skin where it is readily absorbed. The platelets in the plasma stimulate the growth of new cells and the production of collagen. The new cells are able to replace older skin cells The skin tightening effect of collagen diminishes the fine lines and wrinkles, giving you glowing younger-looking face with better skin texture and glowing even tone.
DownTime and After Care
There is no downtime for this treatment. You can go back to work right after getting this procedure done. Because the injectable used in this treatment is extracted from your own body there are no side-effects or reactions. However, due to punctures in your skin from the tiny needles, the inner layer of your skin is exposed and you are prone to infections and UV damages more than ever, but only until the skin heals itself. You should take care that you do not sweat for the next three days, or expose yourself to sunlight. Similarly, you should not apply any cosmetic products on your face for the next 48 hours. After three days you will experience exfoliation effect and your old skin will start to come off, which will be replaced by new skin; firmer, elastic, evener toned and younger-looking skin.
The scientific study had proven that PRP is a minimally intrusive treatment that delivers significant results with minimal unwanted side-effects and no downtime. The participants of the study were 30 individuals with an average age of 45years. They received three sessions of PRP treatment and the progress was documented. The study examined the effectiveness of PRP in reversing the signs of aging that appear under the eyes, like loss of skin firmness and elasticity, excessive skin, wrinkles and rings under the eyes. Participants reported they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the results. PRP proved to be a superior treatment choice as it showed significant improvement in skin condition over time, without difficult aftercare and increased risks of complications associated with the alternative options available. The participants expressed a willingness to continue taking the treatment in the future and recommended it to others.
Word of Caution
The popularity of PRP treatment for facial rejuvenation has led it to be loosely called “vampire facial” by the common man. While the name has stemmed from the fact the blood is withdrawn from your body, then a part of your blood is separated and applied to your face for achieving youthful impact, it is important to remember that PRP is a medical procedure that should only be done by qualified and trained doctors. Although it is an in-office treatment, it is not a cosmetic facial that can be done in a salon. Always make sure you are getting treatment from a qualified practitioner.
Enhancing the Results
You can improve our results further by combining this treatment with other sets of treatments like micro-injections, fillers, and botox.