Q switch laser is an advanced technology that is used to treat hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. It is an effective facial treatment that is utilized to remove dark spots, freckles, and tattoos from the skin. It refreshes the skin and gives a younger look. This treatment is safe and recommended by all skin specialists all around the world for patients having hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and dark spots on the skin.
Stubborn dark spots, loose skin, and wrinkles are some of the common skin problems that need management and treatment for getting juvenile skin. Most people want to have long-term treatment to avoid repeated sittings and sessions. Keeping this in mind, a Q switch laser is a good option for treating such skin conditions.
Get to know more about Q switch laser treatment
Q switch laser (aka Q-Switched Nd-Yag Laser) is the latest and modern technology that is used in a variety of procedures to treat freckles, dark spots, sun spots, etc. The energy settings of the laser can be set at various degrees and frequencies to modify specific conditions and expectations
A common view about lasers is that it may burn the skin but it is not true. The use of a laser on the skin may give you a slight tingling sensation but nothing else more than that.
How does it work?
This revolutionary service works through a definite mechanism. It creates an invisible beam of light that particularly targets the melanin present in dark spots without affecting the surrounding skin. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and breaks into fragments within skin tissue, and that’s how gives you a smooth or even skin tone. Switch lasers tend to penetrate deeper areas where products or peels fail to reach properly.
Duration of this process and recovery
Q switch laser treatment typically needs 6 to 8 sessions to work efficiently. Recovery time however majorly depends on the type and condition of the skin. Typically it takes 7 to 8 days to heal completely but sometimes it may take longer than two weeks. Keeping in mind that there is no downtime service, therefore, you can return to work immediately after it.
What to hope for after getting Q switch laser treatment
During treatment, your skin may turn grey and white for a few minutes. It happens because of absorbing laser energy by skin cells. There is also a probability that you may get a bi of bruises ( in case of having a lot of pigments). Your skin may get shallow blisters to create crusting for days. The healing time period is 7 to 10 days. After this, the treated skin may get pinkish color due to pigmentation but spoon it will be blended to surrounding skin. In case of a more extended healing time period, there is a probability that skin gets prone to sun damage as well.
Pre and post-laser preparations
Pre laser preparations
- Do not tan your skin when makes plan to move for the Q-Switched Treatment
- Do not spend aspirin-consumed drugs and products for about 2 weeks
- Do not employ too many facial creams and lotions before the treatment
Post laser preparations
- It may get 10 to 14 days to get rid of the deep brown colored skin after the treatment whereas the bruising may last later than a few days
- To deal with the side effects you can apply makeup if you want
- Do not get exposed to the sun often, reside in as much as you can
Pros and cons of this treatment
- Q switch laser removes the sagging face and tightens the skin
- It removes the dark spots and heals the wrinkles
- It enhances your self-esteem by giving juvenile and fresh-looking skin.
- It treats facial pigmentation and excludes dark spots.
- It removes the dead skin cells and makes the blemish vanish away
- It cleans the skin thoroughly and deeply within tissues
- It ensures to provide minimal side effects to the skin
- It minimizes the hair growth or may permanently remove them as well
- It is also utilized as tattoo removal treatment
- Patients with poor or loose skin complain of feeling a lot of pain.
- Oversensitive skin may experience more side effects like bruises for sometime
- Depending upon your skin type, healing time may become longer. It may last from 7 to 10 days or for more than two weeks.
Final word:
Q switch laser treatment is an advanced, safe, and effective treatment that gives the long-term solution for many types of common skin problems like freckles, hyperpigmentation, removal of tattoos, and sub spots. The recovery time may vary from 10 days to two weeks. Individuals with oversensitive skin may experience bruises for some time that will go away by themselves. It is important to note that sun exposure must be avoided till the complete recovery and healing of treated skin.