By now, O-shots are more popular than ever, and more and more women are aware of them as an option for rejuvenating their vaginas and improving their quality of life. Since the procedure is mildly invasive and not covered by insurance, understandably, women want to know exactly what is going on when getting injections. What are they putting in it to revitalize the multifunctional vagina?
To understand vaginal rejuvenation and how O-shot work it is important to understand what an amazing body organ vagina is and what happens to it over the years.
Anatomy and Function of the Vagina
The vagina is more than just a tube connecting external genitals to the uterus, it is a vital and complex organ of the body.
It plays important roles in sex, mensuration, conceiving the pregnancy, protecting the pregnancy, and giving birth.
It is a muscular and elastic canal lined with soft tissues and provides lubrication and sensation.
Vagina is highly responsive to stimulation, which reacts to both hormonal and physical stimulation. When a woman has aroused, triggered by hormones vagina produced lubrication in preparation for anticipated penetration. The lubrication changes otherwise painful friction of penetration into pleasurable sensation. The vagina can expand to fit the size of a penis or a sex toy, however, women can experience discomfort or pain if something hits the cervix.
The vagina is a passage for the discharge of blood during monthly periods over the fertile years of a woman’s life. It is also home to several friendly bacteria and fungi that help maintain a perfectly balanced environment inside the vagina. It is self-cleansing and has a very optimum pH to keep infectious bacteria out, but allows the sperms to survive and swim toward the uterus.
The vagina is a strong organ that supports the weight of the baby throughout the pregnancy and helps keep the baby inside until it is the right time.
It is a birth canal that is insanely elastic to facilitate a baby leaving the womb and coming into the outer world. Although very responsive, the vagina has a limited number of nerve endings to decrease the sensation of pain women can experience during childbirth.
Vagina as you Age
As humans age the body organs lose elasticity, this is most visible in the skin which is the most exposed body organ. However, just like other body parts vagina also ages and loses elasticity and firmness, just like penis loses the muscular strength as men age. Losing elasticity can make penetration painful and less pleasurable. It also offers less pleasure to the partner if he attempts penal penetration.
The vagina is highly responsive to the hormone estrogen, which is produced in reproductive years, and a decrease in estrogen level can cause vaginal dryness. As women, age estrogen level decreases, and vaginal dryness makes the penetration less pleasurable and sometimes even painful. Vaginal dryness also brings another host of problems such as vaginal infections as the population of friendly bacteria and fungus decreases, it becomes easier for infectious bacteria and fungi to inhabit.
Other than aging, breastfeeding can also disturb the level of estrogen and cause vaginal dryness. Not to mention the trauma childbirth causes to the vagina aka the birth canal. Sometimes, many blood vessels can get damaged during childbirth. This can further decrease vaginal sensitivity and lubrication.
So to summarise as you age, your vagina experiences ups and down in pH and lubrication, traumas during childbirth, and loss of its muscular strength and its power to lubricate and self-cleanse over the years. All this not only makes sex less pleasurable but can also cause infections and painful experiences.
O-Shot For Vaginal Rejuvenation
O shot is a simple procedure, that involves platelet-rich plasma extracted from your own blood to be injected into your vagina. PRP therapy has been known to rejuvenate skin, heal athletic injuries and help the regrowth of hair. The same principle is applied to vaginal rejuvenation. A higher amount of activated platelets from your own blood are delivered into your vagina through injections and this help literally to turn the clock backward for your vagina.
O-shot helps the recovery from the trauma, and repairs the damaged tissues, and strengthens the elastic muscle, brings back the elasticity. The higher amount of blood flow helps nourish the little ecosystem in your vagina and restores the pH. All this helps to regain the power of self-cleansing and lubrication.
O-shot help you gain back the sensitivity of your vagina, so you can experience more pleasure and less or no pain at all. Rebuilding the muscular tissues essentially tightens up the vaginal wall and helps them to be more firm. This help women feel more pleasure with penetration. A tighter vagina can help them regain their confidence. Women who received O-Shot reported a happier sex life in addition to better self-confidence and better vaginal health.
If you still have any further questions, feel free to reach out to Dr. Terence Teoh. He is our expert gynecologist and certified practitioner of O-shot.